
Marathon virtuel - Nutrition Edge

Nutrition Edge: Over 300 registrations in 10 days

Case studies

February 13, 2023



In November 2022, we supported Edge Nutrition, a group of sports nutrition experts, in promoting their virtual marathon to endurance athletes. The goal was to collect as many registrations as possible through social media advertising.



What has been done


✔️ The strategy already being in place, we put a lot of effort into creating visuals and texts by providing recommendations to the client.

✔️ We reviewed the conversion tracking to ensure we could accurately track the results of this campaign.

✔️ We set up the campaigns, carefully selecting the target audiences.

✔️ We optimized the campaigns and conducted A/B testing until the very end of the registrations.

✔️ Ee created a performance report to understand what worked well and what didn’t, to improve for future similar events.



How it turned out


🚀 Over 300 registrations for the virtual marathon.

🚀 Over 1000 visits to the landing page.

🚀 More than 60,000 users reached.


Client Testimonial


“Great service offered by Tania and her team! She brings excellent ideas and ensures project follow-up within deadlines! Very nice experience! 🙂”


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