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Mélina Bélanger: +8 return on investment in 3 months

Case studies

February 17, 2023



From July to October 2022, we accompanied Mélina Bélanger, copywriter and web writing trainer for her 4ᵉ launch (1st using Facebook advertising). The goal was to generate as many training sales as possible by driving traffic to her site and sign-ups for her webinars and waiting list.


What has been done


✔️ We first supported the client in the creation of her Facebook Ads account (pixel installation, creation of conversions, audiences…).

✔️ Then, we guided her in the creation of her advertising strategy, providing her with recommendations for the creation of her texts and visuals and implemented it in the Facebook Ads platform.

✔️ Throughout the launch, we optimized the campaigns by performing A/B testing to maximize results.

✔️ Finally, we provided them with a detailed report on each campaign so that they could understand their results and adjust for future launches.


How it turned out


🚀 Nearly 300 registrations on the training waiting list.

🚀 Nearly 2,000 registrations for the free webinars.

🚀 Achieving a return on investment of over 8 during the 3-month launch period.


Client Testimonial


“What a great team and great service! I used Ascension to manage and optimize my Facebook ads for a launch. Not only did they provide me with a professional and efficient experience, they also suggested several improvements. My launch was a real success. I recommend them 100%.”


Mélina Bélanger
Copywriter & trainer in web writing


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